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What happens when I cancel my subscription?
You will have access to your application up until your end of your subscription date. Once that date passes, your subscription will no longer renew and you will lose access to the application and all the live galleries. There are no partial refunds available.
Does each Salsa need its own subscription?
Yes! As a benefit to you, each subscription gets cheaper with every device you add to your plan.
How do I modify my subscription?
Visit the Salsa web app and click Manage Account. From there, click Edit Plan. You can modify your billing intervals and your plan.
Upgrading from monthly to annual or Plus to Pro will take effect immediately and you will be charged a prorated amount.
Downgrading from annual to monthly or from Pro to Plus will take into effect after your current billing cycle is over.
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We are available Monday - Sunday 9:00AM - 5:00PM.