Loading The Tortilla Booth Into A Vehicle

With the Tortilla case’s custom design, it is easier than ever to load your booth into your vehicle — even if you drive a sedan.


Loading The Tortilla Booth


The Tortilla case was custom-designed to ensure it will fit in a wide range of vehicles, from a small sedan to a double-wide pickup — and everything in between.

To Load the Tortilla Booth into a Vehicle’s Trunk:

  1. Line the Tortilla case up with the back of the vehicle

    Note: make sure the guide rails and lower handles are facing away from the vehicle

  2. Crouch down (always bend at the knees!)

  3. Grab the handles near the bottom of the Tortilla case

  4. Lift the case up, tilting the top toward the trunk opening

  5. Slide the Tortilla case into the trunk


Best Practices For Loading


When loading, there are a few things you can do to ensure everything goes smoothly:

  • Lay a blanket or tarp down on the bumper of the car

  • Lift using the handles along the bottom of the case

  • Line up the case with the trunk


How To Properly Light The Tortilla Booth