Hardware Dashboard


Manage and monitor the Guac, Chips, or Tortilla hardware connections, printer queue, and more, all from one convenient location.



What is the Hardware Dashboard?


The Hardware Dashboard is the central hub for monitoring and managing the booth’s hardware connections and firmware.

The Hardware Dashboard includes:

  • Current firmware version for Guac

  • Current firmware version for Chips

  • Current firmware version for Tortilla

  • Available firmware updates for Guac, Chips, and Tortilla

  • Hardware system check

  • Printer media size controls

  • Printer queue management tools

  • Resource links and system logs

What To Know

Where To Find The Hardware Dashboard


The Hardware Dashboard can be found within the Fiesta iOS App’s General Settings.

To get to the Hardware Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Fiesta iOS App

  2. Tap the Account Icon in the upper right corner

  3. Tap Hardware Dashboard

Note: If Guac or Chips is not powered on with the iPad connected, the Hardware Dashboard will report that Guac, the camera, and/or the printer is not connected. This is normal.

Install the iPad into Guac and power on the booth for the components to connect.

If it is still reporting as not connected, head over to the Guac Troubleshooting Guide.


Guac Dashboard


The Guac Dashboard section is where the Guac Firmware information is located. The Guac Firmware responsible for managing hardware connections within the booth, including the printer and LED ring.

Firmware updates may include performance improvements and new features, and these updates can be downloaded and installed from the Guac Dashboard.

Learn more about how to update the Guac Firmware


Chips Dashboard


The Chips Dashboard houses the features that control the Chips printer. These include the Chips firmware, the Printer Settings, and the Print Queue. The Chips Dashboard is also used to connect Chips wirelessly.

The Chips Firmware is responsible for both wired and wireless connection of the printer to the Guac Brain.


Tortilla Dashboard


The Tortilla Dashboard holds all the features that control the Tortilla 360 Booth. This includes the Tortilla firmware check, as well as the connection status of the Tortilla 360 Booth.


System Check


The System Check provides at-a-glance information about the hardware connections within the Guac or Tortilla Booth so that you know that everything is good to go or give you a heads up if something is not working as expected.

The system will check if:

  • Booth is connected

  • The camera is connected (if applicable)

  • The printer is connected (if applicable)

A green light indicates that the hardware is connected. The light may turn yellow if the system is currently checking that particular hardware component.

A red light will be shown if that device cannot be detected or if there appears to be an issue.

Note: The System Check can only determine if the hardware is connected and cannot check if the settings are correct.

If something is reported as not connected, or that it is connected but not working as expected, you can visit the Guac Troubleshooting Guide for further steps.


Printer Settings


The Printer Settings under the Chips Dashboard provides access to the hardware settings for the DNP DS620A.

These settings are used to changed the printer media size to between 4x6 photos and photo templates and 2x6 photo template strips.

By default, the printer is set up to print 4x6 photos and photo templates. If your event offers 2x6 photo template strips, then you’ll want to adjust your printer media size.

Learn more about how to change the printer media size


Printer Queue


The Printer Queue under the Chips Dashboard displays the total number of prints pending across all events and provides a quick way to clear the queue by cancelling all prints.

The number of captures in the queue is specific to that booth and does not include prints from other photo booths.

All of the pending prints can be cancelled simply by tapping Cancel All Prints.

Learn more about setting up printing with Guac

Quick Links


The Troubleshooting Guide will send you to the support site article that includes steps on how to resolve failed status lights in the System Check and other troubleshooting steps for other

View the Guac Troubleshooting Guide

The System Logs allows you to send detailed information about the performance of your booth to our customer support team. Tapping this link will bring up a window to send an email with the logs attached to our team.

Learn about sending system logs to support

Restart Guac is a troubleshooting measure that might help to resolve some connection issues. Tapping this will restart the device inside of Guac. Some hardware components may report as not connected during this time.


How To Create An Event Proposal


How To Update Guac Firmware