Queso Live Gallery
One of Queso’s best features is the Live Gallery where you can display captures online and updated in real-time throughout the event.
The Live Gallery allows your clients and their guests to view, download, and share their captures so they can relive the memories whenever, wherever.
Table of Contents
HOw To
What To Know
What Is a Live Gallery?
A Live Gallery is a website to display all of the captures from your event for your guests and client to view during or after an event.
When turned on, a link to the Live Gallery is included in text and email shares, and is displayed as a QR code on the back screen with QR Code is turned on.
Live Galleries are updated in real-time while the booth is connected to a fast and stable WiFi network.
Live Gallery settings allow you to:
Include photos with text shares
Customize branding
Add a call-to-action button
Set the gallery privacy
How To
Turn on Live Gallery
Live Gallery is turned off by default for all new events. The Live Gallery must be turned on before starting an event.
To turn on Live Gallery:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Toggle on Enable Live Gallery
When Live Gallery is turned on, the web address (or URL) to the page will be displayed and you can tap Copy URL to then paste it into a browser on Queso to preview the gallery.
If a URL is not shown, turn Live Gallery off, check your internet connection, and turn Live Gallery back on.
IMPORTANT: An internet connection is required to turn on Live Gallery. Turning on Live Gallery while offline may prevent captures from being uploaded.
What To Know
Turning on Live Gallery After an Event
Since Live Gallery is turned off by default for all new events, it is important to make sure that it is turned on before starting an event.
If Live Gallery is not turned on after starting an event, only captures taken after turning on Live Gallery will be uploaded.
Queso will not upload captures taken while Live Gallery was turned off.
What To Know
Deleting Events and Live Gallery
Live Galleries can be kept online indefinitely, even after deleting an event on Queso.
When deleting an event, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. If Live Gallery is turned on for that event, you will receive a secondary prompt asking if the Live Gallery should also be deleted.
Selecting Yes
Permanently remove the Live Gallery from the internet, including all captures
All links to the Live Gallery sent via email and text will no longer work
Selecting No
Keeps the Live Gallery online indefinitely
Guests and clients can continue to view their captures and the full gallery (if turned on)
Captures can no longer be removed and Live Gallery settings cannot be changed
Note: If you need to remove a Live Gallery from the internet after deleting the event, reach out to support. Make sure to include a link to the Live Gallery.
How To
Include Photo Capture with Text Message Shares
When Live Gallery is turned on, text message shares will only include a link to the capture on the Live Gallery.
This allows for greater compatibility across smartphones and services, and may provide faster delivery to the guest.
If you want to include the photo capture along with a link to the Live Gallery you can turn on SMS Attachments.
To include photo captures in Text Message Shares:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Toggle on Enable Live Gallery
Tap the checkbox under SMS Attachments
Note: This only applies to photo captures and does not include boomerang, GIF, video, or warp captures.
What To Know
Displaying Photo Templates and Individual Photos
Photo captures on the Live Gallery will display both the photo template and individual photos within the template.
If you only want the photo template to be displayed on the Live Gallery, you can turn off individual photos from the Printing settings.
To turn off individual photos on the Live Gallery:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Printing
Tap Disable under Individual Images
Note: This will also prevent guests from printing the individual photos during the event.
How To
Prevent Guests from Seeing All Captures
By default, guests will be able to view all captures taken at the event in the Live Gallery.
If you want to limit guests to being able to view only the captures they have sent themselves via email or text, you can turn off the full gallery.
To limit guests to seeing their own captures only:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Toggle on Enable Live Gallery
Tap Disable under Gallery Access
Note: QR Code Mode requires Gallery Access to be turned on. If Gallery Access is turned off, guests will be taken to a blank page when scanning the QR code.
How To
Delete Captures from the Live Gallery
Individual captures on the Live Gallery can be removed from the event settings screen.
To remove captures from the Live Gallery:
Launch Queso
Select an event
Tap Edit Gallery in the top right corner
Tap each capture you want to remove
Tap Delete Select
Note: This will also delete the capture from the event and cannot be recovered.
How To
Add a Background Image
A background image can be added to the Live Gallery that is displayed at the very top of the page behind the event name, logo, and call-to-action button.
To add a background:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Tap Upload under Upload Background
Select a PNG or JPG image from Queso’s hard drive
Note: The options for “White” or “Black” backgrounds will not change the look of the Live Gallery or background image.
The background image used has the following requirements:
File type: PNG or JPG
Max size: 1500 x 3000 pixels (<1.5MB)
Min size: 500 x 1000 pixels
How To
Add a Logo
A logo can be added to the Live Gallery that is displayed above the event name.
The logo can also include a link that allows guests to click or tap the logo to be directed to another website.
To add a logo:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Toggle on Enable Live Gallery
Tap Upload under Upload Logo
Select a PNG or JPG image from Queso’s hard drive
Optional: Enter a valid web address under Logo Link
The logo image has the following requirements:
File type: JPG or PNG
Max size: 300 x 300 pixels (<500KB)
Min size: 50 x 50 pixels
How To
Add a Subtitle
A subtitle can be added to the Live Gallery which is displayed under the event name.
To add a subtitle:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Enter a subtitle under Subtitle
Note: The subtitle will be displayed in all capital letters. This cannot be changed.
How To
Add a Call-to-Action Button
A call-to-action button can be added to the Live Gallery which is displayed under the event name and subtitle (if added).
To add a call-to-action button:
Launch Queso
Select an event or create a new event
Tap Live Gallery
Toggle on Enable Live Gallery
Enter what the button will say in the Display Text field under Branding
Enter a valid link to a website in the Branding Link field
What To Know
Call-to-Action Buttons
A call-to-action button is used to link guests to another site and is prominently displayed on both the full gallery and on individual capture pages.
This is a great way to drive web traffic to another website, such as your business, an online guestbook, a donations page, or anywhere else.
The Display Text is used to set what the button will say. It is recommended to use short, actionable phrases such as “Book an event!” or “Donate now!”
The web address, entered in the Branded Link field, should be a validly formed URL or a mailto: link.
What To Know
Customizing the Design
Some features within the Live Gallery settings currently do not work and are currently being improved and restored.
These settings include:
Contact and Reply-To Addresses
Live Gallery Font Color
Live Gallery Background Color (White or Black option)
Note: An image can still be uploaded and used for the Live Gallery.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to support.